Lawn Care & Lawn Maintenance

We will keep your lawn green and healthy all season long 

Our lawn care and maintenance services are performed weekly (as the season permits). Services include mowing of the grass, weeedwacking, blowing off of all surfaces and edging as needed. Our technicians are trained to provide quality services with our commercial machines leaving you with a lawn you can be proud of.

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Additional Services

Fertilizer Program and Application

Rovak Maintenance Services provides a Seven Step Fertilizer Program. Working closely with our vendor, we perform these services based on the season we're having and what the lawns are needing to look their best and remain healthy. We work to keep our client's properties green all season while also caring for their soil and lawn health.

Aeration Services


Aeration services pull 2-3-inch-deep cores or "plugs" from your lawn which relieves soil compaction. Soil compaction prevents good nutrients from getting into your lawn's roots system. Soil compaction leads to dead spots and patches. Aeration services also decreases soil density while increasing the nutrients available to your lawn. Aeration services allow treatments like fertilizations and over-seedings to have improved performance and benefits by working their way deeper into the soil.

Overseeding Services

Overseeding services work to apply fresh seed to thicken your lawn. Each season, a percentage of your grass dies. Performing seasonal overseeds creates a lawn that is more thick and lush. Overseeding also aids in weed control... more grass coverage=less room for weeds to grow. These services provide new seedlings to replace grass that has died off from previous seasons while also working to fill in spots and patches.

Starter Fertilizer Application

Applying a starter fertilizer prior to overseeding services provides readily available nutrients in the soil for seedlings to access that promote growth. These services provide continued nutrients for growth as the seedlings' work to take root, helping them to better support themselves. This product contains a slow release formula that helps to sustain and continue seedling growth over time.

Lawn Rolling Services

As a result of the change in the seasons, physical weathering can take place each year in your lawn due to the freeze/thaw cycles it experiences. Lawn rolling can be beneficial to your lawn by working to establish uniformity in the lawn and leveling out bumpy spots and patches. These services also address mole and ant hill problems. A smooth lawn promotes the prominence of lawn stripe patterns after lawn mowing. Lawn rolling is also great for freshly laid sod.

Dethatching Services

Overtime, a layer of thatch (or dead grass) accumulates in your lawn which can lead to your lawn struggling to grow. De-thatching works to remove this layer which and helps nutrients, air and water be better able to reach your lawn's root system. This service allows fertilizer to penetrate down into the grassroots and removes the environmental components in which fungal and insect growth can thrive. It also gives grass a better opportunity for growth.